The Saboteur: Part Deux Someone Make a Second Game

Sabo 2

Part one of this blog gave you basic info on the game The Saboteur itself and now it is time for the creator and why it should be brought back. This game is so fun that after it came out in 2009 (available for XBOX, PS3 and PC), there were rumblings of making a sequel to the game and why not? They left enough room to grow after the main story concludes. There are a few cliffhangers that can easily be an addressed in a second game, so why not make a second game; it seems so simple doesn’t it? Continue reading

The Saboteur: Part 1 The Game

The Saboteur

This is my first none sports related blog. I have been meaning to write a blog like this for a while, but I have only had the opportunity up until now to write something that was pertaining solely to sports. This blog will also be a two-part blog because of how long it is. This is part one and part two will come out next week. I hope that you enjoy it and please feel free to leave feedback, like it and share it with your friends.

Bring back Pandemic! OR At least MAKE A SABOTEUR TWO! What am I asking for? Well it would certainly be nice if there would be a sequel to a really interesting and violent game called The Saboteur. The Saboteur is set during World War II in German occupied France and your character is an Irish race car mechanic/racer who drinks a lot and is trapped in France during this time. Continue reading